Wednesday, January 11, 2012

because i love ethan hawke

great week. snowboarded in vermont. got hot tub folliculitis. got stuck in a strip mall parking lot when the mini van couldn't start. after many attempts, we gave up and watched MI4 instead. movie tickets in the boondocks of vermont are $6.50. picked up a hitch-hiker who carried a cardboard sign that said "kill." ironically, she was an overweight, 60 year old stoner with a cane who grew her own marijuana. sprained my ankle. at the end of the trip, all we had in the fridge were bud lights and vanilla ice cream... and you know what that means... bud light floats.

which also means... this will be a lazy post.. about ethan hawke.. and those meaningless exchanges you have with strangers outside of bars. This is from the movie- "New York, I love you." I can't embed so click the link if you have 6 minutes.

if you're looking to read a good post, check this


  1. i <3 ethan hawke too. that was one of the better shorts in that movie, ny i love you.

    ever see ethan hawke in Gattaca?

  2. true- most of the shorts were disappointing but I re-watched it because I love seeing all the NYC places I recognize.

    Paris Je T'aime is the best. Hopefully 2013's Shanghai I love you will match it.

  3. Oh, now I want to watch these shorts! Though I am partial to Gattaca. Have you guys seen Once? For some reason everyone's raving about it now.
