Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tick-Tock the magical clock..

Today was one of those days that seemed to drag on forever. I swear that my phone stuck at 3:30 for a good half hour. After about ten-fifteen minutes of my phone insisting that it was 3:30, I actually got worried that maybe my phone was broken. I mean there is no possible way that 3:30 could last that long, right? Wrong! It was a bittersweet realization when my coworker confirmed that my phone was not broken and that time was just going exceptionally slow..

It's ironic because just yesterday I was complaining to my coworker that time has been going way too fast. December 6th, 2010- HUH? That just doesn't sound right. I mean I vaguely remember September (it was my birthday month afterall), have a small recollection of October (Eating kit-kats and watching Little Mermaid with Iris on Halloween), I know thanksgiving was in November, but December? I really do not understand where November went and when December came?? *Scratches head* I just have to believe that somewhere out there on a milk carton in outer space there is a picture of November and there is a search party currently looking for it.

And in less than a month I have to wrap my brain around the fact that it's 2011. Woah woah.....back up and slow down!

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year because everything is so magical. I love so much about Christmas. I love looking at all the lights and decorations (perhaps the only good thing about it getting dark earlier is seeing the town all lit up). I also love the food (I'm a foodie, what can I say?), holiday parties (a reason to mingle, jingle, and celebrate), the festivities/traditions, the Christmas movies on tv (ei-Elf), Christmas music, giving gifts, & opening presents. So today as I was fidgeting and squirming in my chair anxious for time to speed up, I realized something: there is less than twenty days before Christmas. This thought made me slow down some because I don't want my favorite holiday to come and go without my realization...

So I made a list- What are the tops things I would like to do this Christmas:

1) A NYC outing- the most magical place of all during the holidays (a must on the agenda: ice skating and see the Christmas Tree at Rockefellar Center)
2) Picture with Santa Clause (Yes- I may be 26, but still a kid at heart. I don't remember the last picture I have with Santa...)
3) Make a gingerbread house
4) Make a snowman (Weather permitting)
5) See a play (Budget permitting)
6) Volunteer my time for a good cause

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