Wednesday, December 28, 2011

10 steps to 2012 success

10. Be accountable to yourself and others. That's the only way to ensure that items on your work and personal to-do lists get accomplished.

9. Be a better global citizen. Recycle. Eat organic eventhough it's more expensive. It perpetuates more ethical agricultural practices. Eat more, consume less ( Explore roof top gardens (learn about CSA aka community supported agriculture). Give back in multiple ways. Teach others. Use your existing skill set (

8. Don't lose your i-phone. (Three times would be really embarassing, especially since I never have good samaritan stories. So far (1) puked and got kicked out of a cab/ left him an i-phone in the back seat, and (2) went crazy dancing and got my bag stolen in a ghetto Peruvian bar)

7. Walk/ Run 1,000 miles in a year. This is an arbitrary number. I have no clue how much I usually run/ walk. I'm planning to use the Run Keeper i-phone app to keep track, which means I will have to have my i-phone on me at all times (Yes- #8!).

6.  Quit biting your nails. If weekly manicures help you quit, don't forget to turn off the UV light in the nail-dryer (causes cases of skin cancer on the hands!!). Get a monthly pedicure (I need it.. haha).

5. Carefully monitor the Momofuku fried chicken reservation website ( I've set up an account since November 2010 and still no openings. 2012 is the year!!!

4. Get socially networked. Yelp, blogger, twitter, instagram. I'm on it, but looking to make more of a presence.
instagram- vira12

3. Be more people oriented, and less task oriented. Four years ago, one of my mentors told me that all professionals he works with ultimately fit into two categories. First, there are those that are technically competent, who come to rely almost completely on that strength. Second, there is a small subset that reaches an inflection point and is able to go to the next level. This group can communicate, see the big picture, and then crystallize their thinking and simplify issues to bring others along. In contrast to the first group, he believes this second group has virtually no limitations.

To me, this goes beyond the professional context. The most memorable people to me are the ones with the most heart, who know how to connect with people, and apply whatever they can to helping others out. Having the smarts is great but unconditionally sharing it is a much more admirable trait. 

2. Act your own age, not your shoe size. I have to stop halving the doses of all kinds of medication- cough, cold, aspirin. It might be the reason why my recovery time is twice as long as any normal person. Also, the last time I went to a club, some punk snidely remarked, "I would totally talk to you girls if I were five years older!" 28 isn't middle aged and over the hill, but I'm no bubbly 21 year old in 6 inch heels. It's time to tone down, and stay out of the sun.

1. Start reciting daily affirmations to set a positive mindset throughout the day. Prime example: Jessica's daily affirmation.


  1. Such a great post, Elle. I love and Jessica's Daily Affirmation. What could be more empowering?

  2. I really like this.....esp. number 1, 3, and 10! Those are very close to my own personal goals! :)
