Thursday, December 8, 2011

A million reasons to believe

With the holidays approaching so quickly it is easy to become overwhelmed. We live in a culture where things are always rushed, where we are constantly running to get ahead and trying to complete our never ending, self-imposed to-do list. We are always striving to become better, to do more, and most of all to be happy. During this time of the year it always seems as if this feeling of stress is heightened. Between the mandatory deadlines, the expectations we set on our selves and the ones others put on us, we are lucky if we even get a chance to enjoy the magic of the season.

This weekend as I watched my house and the rest of my neighborhood slowly light up I got to thinking about the power of believing. Every year around this time people begin putting up their trees, decorating their houses, and getting ready for the holidays. It takes a lot of work and preparation and for many people precious time that they do not have. I got to thinking how each household has their own reasons for why they are so busy, and problems they are dealing with, and it really warmed my heart to see that despite all this, so many people did their share to contribute to the festivities. It made me realize why it is so important to take time to believe and feed into this magic. Every time we let go and do something to celebrate the season, we are helping lighten up the load (and the town) not just for ourselves, but also for everybody else.

The holidays are a time to be enjoyed. It is an opportunity to be free-spirited, to let go of our cares, and to tune into our inner child-- you know, the kid who used to stay up at night writing letters to Santa, who got excited to listen for his footsteps, and who couldn’t sleep the night before Christmas because morning just couldn’t come fast enough. With only a couple weeks until the new year, I think this is a perfect time for each one of us to check in and try to let go of our worries, frustrations, and the expectations we set on ourselves and others, and instead focus on what really matters- things that makes us happy and peaceful. For me, that is spending time with my friends and family, being around nature, cooking, making art, watching movies, listening to music, and just finding opportunities to be silly. If we are each able to do what makes us feel happiest and most peaceful, then we will inspire others and contribute to the overall feeling of happiness for those around us. And just like that, that feeling will circulate and make it back into our own lives, creating an atmosphere of peace. Just like how each light bulb contributes to the overall glow of the tree, I really believe that each time we light up and shine, we contribute to the overall joy and magic of the season.


  1. Aw, Ayda, that's really sweet. Hawthorne would approve.

  2. we are kindred spirits! I think the holidays bring out the best in us.. if only we could keep it up for the rest of the year!
