Monday, May 14, 2012

Just do it

Last night I had a dream that I went for the most amazing and satisfying run. I woke up this morning feeling eager, excited and motivated. Unfortunately, mother nature was not in sync with my motivation. On my hour drive home I started to feel sleepy and almost convinced myself a nap was a much better idea than exercise. Thankfully, I listened to my gut instinct and did a work-out session via a Jillian Michael's DVD that I own. I feel so happy right now because I did not let the rain or my mind stop me from doing something healthy and good for my body. This is the first time in a long time that I could honestly say I enjoyed the whole work-out. I put my mind to it and stayed focused on the good that I was doing for my body. It felt great to use my muscles and to focus on something positive rather than on my everyday to-do lists or stressors. I treated myself with a nice long shower after my work-out and a healthy home- cooked meal to boot. I now feel ohhh so relaxed and sleepy and I am ready for a restful night's sleep. I guess the point of this post is that sometimes we don't do things that we know we should because we come up with a billion and one excuses for why it can't be done. But sometimes when you ignore that feeling and do it anyway, you feel more peaceful and happy with yourself. It also feels nice to take a minute in the craziness of life to do something good for your body and to remember why you are doing it and fully enjoy the process. If it's gotta be done, might as well learn to love it, right? :) Here's hoping I have another dream that will motivate my actions in a positive way for tomorrow..... goodnight all! :)


  1. I know this feeling as well.. but I am just so lazy... haha

  2. That's funny. I thought about working out last night, but then I had oreos and milk instead.

  3. Oreos and milk sound so I am proud of myself I worked out. I hope I do today too...right now it is feeling 50-50. I have a whole drive home to debate the issues, ha ha.
