Sunday, April 15, 2012

status of things

The influx of inspirational and upbeat posts has really died down after the holidays. Something about being in the middle of the year makes us less contemplative and reflective. We're much more about getting through the day to day it seems.

Plus I never want to update unless there's some ground breaking change. What's the point in writing about being wiser and seeing life more clearly as a result past experiences without having a changed status to measure  personal growth? The last thing I aspire to be is someone who philosophizes and rambles without acting on it since those folks usually annoy the crap out of me.

With the change in seasons though, I always get a sense of the potential out there. Being out and loading up on Vitamin D from soaking up the sun has done wonders.

Plans for the summer
- Surf
- Successfully maintain my new orchid
- Start a kitchen herb garden (basil plant to start)
- Read more
- Run some more (incredibly behind on my run/walk 1,000 mi during the year goal)

In any case, dating life can be summed up in one quote:

  • "Internet dating is like shopping at a thrift store. There are a few gems here and there, but mostly its just pit stained T-shirts and old underwear."
I've essentially quit shopping at thrift stores.

The quote is from my recent guilty pleasure. Site describes itself as
 "Notes on the Complexities of Liking Someone":

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