Friday, March 2, 2012

How high can you jump?

I found a motivational story that I really enjoyed reading. I thought we could all use a little motivation this Friday....who knows the possibilities the weekend will bring! :)

Happy Friday, everyone! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR IRIS!!! :)

Flea trainers have observed a predictable and strange habit of fleas while training them. Fleas are trained by putting them in a cardboard box with a top on it. The fleas will jump up and hit the top of the cardboard box over and over and over again. As you watch them jump and hit the lid, something very interesting becomes obvious. The fleas continue to jump, but they are no longer jumping high enough to hit the top. Apparently, Excedrin headache 1738 forces them to limit the height of their jump.

When you take off the lid, the fleas continue to jump, but they will not jump out of the box. They won't jump out because they can't jump out. Why? The reason is simple. They have conditioned themselves to jump just so high. Once they have conditioned themselves to jump just so high, that's all they can do!

Many times, people do the same thing. They restrict themselves and never reach their potential. Just like the fleas, they fail to jump higher, thinking they are doing all they can do.

1 comment:

  1. i remember growing up, playing with the imitation barbie dolls yet wishing my parents could afford to buy the real thing- I remember being 17 and wishing I could be 21, so I could check out bars and guzzle alcohol- and constantly dreaming about the day I'd be able to do what I want to do, buy whatever I want, and go wherever I please. now that i'm in my late 20s, I have the ability to do what I please, yet I still feel so limited, and always afraid to fail. I guess we really do have to keep jumping! and never stop dreaming.
